The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Adoption Form

Click here to return to the Adoption Page

Which raptor would you like to adopt? 
(Look on the Project Adoption page for information about these raptors. See also our Educational Team page.)
To whom would you like this certificate issued? 
(If you are adopting a raptor for someone else, put their name here)
Would you like a tax receipt? Yes No
In order to issue donation receipts, we must have your full name, phone number and address, since this information is required by The Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
Your Name:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Email Address:
Phone Number:

In an effort to protect and respect your privacy, the CPF will not share your information with any third party. You will not be solicited or contacted by the CPF in the future, unless you have indicated that is OK for us to contact you for other programs. Please indicate if you wish us to contact you in the future:
  Adoption certificates are available for a minimun donation of $25
Amount you wish to donate:
Name as printed on card:
Card Type:
Card Number (no spaces or dashes):
Card Expiration Date (mm/yy):

Please enter any special instructions or comments you would like to add:

Click here to return to the Adoption Page

Canadian Peregrine Foundation