The Canadian Peregrine Foundation


April - May 2002

Friday May 31, 2002
Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (2:40 p.m.)  An adult falcon is perched near the 3rd pillar from the NE corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  It is facing east and keeping watch on its urban cliff.  The wind is fierce at street level and the sun is concealed behind heavy clouds that threaten to spill over their bounty.  Our falcon is calmly positioned on its perch and cuts a striking figure for this devoted observer.

Monday May 27, 2002
Brenda Sharpe reports:  2:05 pm - For the second time today I see Connor on Constitution Square. This morning he preened for awhile and then flew west past the hotel. Horizon was sitting on the east side edge and she actually walked over to the southeast corner after he flew past. I wasn't able to watch her long.  This afternoon he is back on the northeast edge, keeping watch over the nest site.

Friday May 24, 2002
Marcel Gahbauer reports:  Around 10 am today, I spotted Horizon swooping up toward the nest site.  Connor flew out at the same moment, and the two spent a minute or two circling in the air together before Connor returned to the eggs and Horizon settled on a rooftop corner of Constitution Square across the street.

Regarding the camera and video signal ... we are making progress, but please continue to bear with us as we resolve some (hopefully) final challenges in getting the signal from the camera inside.  

Thursday May 23, 2002
Brenda Sharpe reports:  One of the peregrines was annoying some pigeons earlier this morning and for the past half hour has been resting on the north east side of Constitution Square. He or she has been preening and stretching and keeping a close eye on the nest site.

Marcel Gahbauer reports:  The video camera is now in place on Constitution Square, looking across at the nest on the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  Tomorrow I will attempt the challenge of reconnecting all of the wires and cables to their proper receptacles to test whether all of the equipment is working properly.

Wednesday May 22, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  2:15 pm. I can see both Horizon and Connor circling above the Crowne Plaza.  This is very unusual since they are brooding.  They continue to circle over the Constitution Square building and at one point, one of them flies south down Kent Street; I lose sight of the other one.

Thursday May 16, 2002
Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (8:40 a.m.)  On this miserable rainy day, an adult is perched between the 1st and 2nd NE pillar of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  The falcon is observed glancing towards the east, south and west of the city.  It might just be searching for its mate as it is after all breakfast time.

Wednesday May 15, 2002
Marcel Gahbauer reports:  On Monday, I visited the roof of Constitution Square with Yvon Morin, the building's operations manager.  I had with me the video camera which CPF used to monitor the peregrines in 1999 and 2000.  As many of you may recall, it failed last spring and we were unable to broadcast the 2001 nest; once the breeding season was over we were able to go out to retrieve the camera and send it in for repairs.  It is now operating again, and with the peregrines nesting at the south end of the Crowne Plaza Hotel's east ledge, we can observe them by placing the camera on the roof of Constitution Square, just across the street.

The camera will be put in place later this week, and most of the camera hardware has been readied as well.  One more key component needs to be acquired, and I hope to pick it up this weekend.  As soon as we have all the equipment in place, we should be able to broadcast the signal to a television monitor in Constitution Square - details to follow.  Hopefully not long after (pending the installation of phone lines for the computer) we will be able to reactivate the Ottawa Webcam so that you can view the action from your computers.  Updates will be posted here as we progress.

Saturday May 11, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  12:45pm Connor is perched between the fifth and sixth column on the south-east side of the Crowne Plaza.  4:35pm Connor is now on the south-east ledge of the Crowne Plaza, facing inwards.

Friday May 10, 2002
Brenda Sharpe reports:  9:15 am. I see a peregrine - looks like Horizon - on Constitution Square northeast side right now. She appears to be preening and is looking over at the hotel a lot.  It flew over to the nest site for a brief check-in at 9:20, but didn't jump off the ledge into the nest site. After a few minutes the bird soared back over to Constitution Square again, where it now sits. Is this Horizon being a nervous mother or Connor being a conscientious dad?  By the size I thought it was Horizon but now am not sure.

Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (12:23 p.m.)  An adult is perched near the 4th SE pillar of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.   It is facing slightly inward and keeping watch towards the south and west areas of our windy city.  A few moments later it "hops" over to the 2nd SE pillar.  Our falcon appears to be searching for something or someone in the distance.

Thursday May 9, 2002
Marcel Gahbauer reports:  This afternoon, Eve Ticknor and I were able to spot a changing of the guard at the nest around 4:20 pm.  From street level, Horizon had been seen feeding on Constitution Square around 3:45 pm, so Connor naturally took over incubation duties for a while.  When Horizon returned to take over again, she waited a few moments before settling over the eggs, giving us a brief opportunity to count them.  Between the wind and rain it was difficult to get a steady and clear view, but there were certainly at least three eggs.  At first it appeared that there might even be a fourth, but when she rolled the eggs as she settled down, it no longer looked like that.  Either way, we are happy to see a full clutch being incubated and hope that all will go well as the nesting season proceeds.

Tuesday May 7, 2002
Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (8:40 a.m.)  Amazing!  I was not disappointed this morning.  As customary, I scout the rooftops in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Horizon or Connor.   All appeared quiet until a flash of movement directly above me caught my attention.

Horizon or Connor suddenly appeared from high above Slater Street heading towards Albert Street in hot pursuit of a lone bird.  My heart was in my throat as I stood mesmerized observing the falcon reach its target and plunge with such speed and determination downward.

It was rapidly plunging down the length of the Place de Ville Tower A building and suddenly reared sharply upward.  I was stunned to see the falcon control such rapid movements at such neck-breaking speed.  It then swerved upward in a twisting motion and changed course.

Our famous hunter/huntress triumphantly clutched within its catch and headed west, flying directly over the Albert Street traffic.  I observed the falcon make a slight tilting movement to the right as it appeared to carry a heavy catch.  The wind might have also caused it to narrowly miss one of the NE "falcon perches" on the Constitution Square II building.

I lost sight of Horizon or Connor at this point and despite searching in vain as to where it might have chosen to consume its morning meal, I must relinquish my search.

Monday May 6, 2002
Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (8:40 a.m.)  Horizon or Connor is perched between the 4th and 5th pillars of the NE/SE section of the Crown Plaza Hotel.  Unfortunately, I am too far to identify our falcon.

Sunday May 5, 2002
Eve Ticknor reports:  As of today, Horizon is brooding on her nest near the southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Albert at Lyon.  I estimate she has only just started brooding within a day or so of this date.  The number of eggs is unknown at present but I will post that fact once I know it.

Friday May 3, 2002
Gabriela Lartigue reports:  I saw Horizon this morning, while I was walking towards my office. She was on the SE corner of the Crowne Plaza, on the edge (facing West), I can say that she was almost standing on her tiptoes, "clinging" to the building.

Thursday May 2, 2002
Marcel Gahbauer reports:  It appears we have a mystery on our hands in Ottawa this year.  Yesterday Eve Ticknor visited the roof of Constitution Square in an attempt to determine whether Connor and Horizon are nesting on the east or west side of the Crowne Plaza Hotel this spring - as it turns out, it seems the answer is neither!  Though Horizon was present at one point, on the southeast corner of the hotel, she seemed unconcerned about being watched from across the street, in sharp contrast to what her reaction has been in the past when nesting was underway.

This raises several questions.  Are they really just unusually late with laying eggs?  Did they perhaps lay eggs on another building earlier in the season, and fail at that site?  Or, are they possibly still incubating at another location?  The sightings over the past few weeks are not sufficient to allow us to rule out any of these possibilities.  Needless to say, if they are in fact nesting elsewhere, we would very much like to determine where, to ensure their safety as well as possible, both during the nesting phase, and the fledging period.  More than ever, we encourage everyone to report sightings by e-mail to; perhaps collectively our observations of their behaviour may allow their location to be determined, if there is in fact an alternate nest site in use.

Arlene Williams reports: 10:35 am - Just looked out my window and see that Horizon is perched atop of the northwest corner of Tower 2 of the Constitution Square building and Connor is perched between pillars 3 and 4 on the northwest side of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building.    Just prior to Connor perching on the ledge, he enjoyed of few seconds (15-20 seconds) of the mating ritual with his
beloved, so hopefully we can shortly see the results of his/her relations. I have to add that this year the mating ritual was a few more seconds longer than what has been viewed in the past. And I have also noticed that Horizon does seem to favour the southwest corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building of late, so that may be an indication that if she does lay an egg(s) she will have her nest on that corner, which will make it a little difficult for me to see the nest and her interactions with offspring, if any, this year.

3:50 pm - Both Horizon and Connor are perched on the northwest corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building looking quite complacent at the moment.   The surrounding background is overcast and quite gloomy, but just seeing them both, once again, in close proximity to one another, as well as easily seen
from this vantage point, makes the day much brighter for this onlooker.  Hopefully after this morning's activity, we may be fortunate enough to see resulting laying of egg(s) and offspring shortly.

Wednesday May 1, 2002
Nathaleigh McKenna Rochon reports:  (8:40 a.m.)  As I am walking towards Albert Street, I look up at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and observe Connor perched below the first SE pillar.  He is keeping watch towards the SW of the city.

I am now heading to Lyon Street and he appears to be on the move himself.  He is hopping with purpose to the SE corner of the hotel.  Connor is now stretching his wings on this brisk morning.  What a striking bird of prey!

Once I reach Lyon Street, I look back and above me.  Horizon flies in from the west and cuts an impressive figure as she tames the wind above Albert Street.  She settles on the SW corner of Place de Ville Tower A.  At this point I cannot remain on the spot but Horizon and Connor's daily routine is in full swing.

Monday April 29, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  2pm Connor is sitting on the south-east ledge of the Crowne Plaza then Horizon flies off from the west face of the hotel.  There is a little chittering, from who I'm not sure. I walk around the block and spot Horizon perched on the third out crop of the Constitution Square building. She is eating something and from the looks of things, has no intention of sharing it with her mate.

Brenda Sharpe reports:  2:10 pm. I just saw both peregrines. One is sitting on the southeast corner of the hotel; the other landed on the north side of Constitution Square and then trotted around out of view in that comical hulking way they have. It looked to me like it was Horizon on Constitution Square and Connor on the hotel, but I don't have binoculars so can't be sure.

Saturday April 27, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  8:30am.  Horizon is perched on the second pillar in from the southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza.  1:15pm.  Horizon is now on the corner of the southeast ledge; no sign of Connor today.

Thursday April 25, 2002
Gabriela Lartigue reports:  One of the peregrines is on the Southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza, facing east; I'm sure it is Connor because of the size.

Wednesday April 24, 2002
Arlene Williams reports:  12:15 pm - I am not sure which peregrine it is, but one of them is putting on quite an aerial display contouring the Place de Ville buildings and ultimately heading west.   Have not seen the other one this morning or early pm, but I am sure that they are both in close proximity and I am ever hopeful that she (Horizon) will be brooding shortly.

4:19 pm - Connor flew onto the west side of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building with catch in talons.   No sooner had he landed, then her supreme highness (Horizon) decided that the catch should be hers.   She took possession of it right away and needless to say, Connor then decided to fly off for parts unknown.    A couple of nibbles later by Horizon, she decided that she wanted a little more sunlight and flew off with catch in talons to the northwest corner of the Constitution Square Tower 2 building.    She remains there as of this writing, but Connor momentarily joined her and was obviously shrugged off by Horizon from landing and enjoying her treat.

Tuesday April 23, 2002
Arlene Williams reports:  10:17 am - Her highness - Horizon - is currently located on the northwest corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and has been there for approximately 30 minutes.   I had noticed that Connor had swept by from the west and was heading off to the southeast corner of the hotel building. About 10 minutes ago, he headed off east and was contouring the Constitution Square buildings on the Laurier Avenue side.   Horizon has just hopped over to the very northwest corner and is facing me presently and she looks a little plumper than usual, so maybe that is a good sign of what may be coming shortly, since last year's chick hatched on Sunday, May 20th, 2001.  10:21 am - Horizon has just flown off eastward.

Monday April 22, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  1:15pm Horizon has just landed on the south-west face of the Crowne Plaza, 6 pillars in from the south corner. Connor arrives just after her and lands on the south-west ledge. Both are preening themselves.  I think they are going to wait out this wet snow Ottawa is receiving at the moment.

Saturday April 20, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  9:55am Horizon is perched on the southeast corner of the Crown Plaza.  She then moves inside the ledge out of view.  A minute later she comes flying out and lands on the southwest corner of the hotel, then Connor joins her.  There is lots of chittering going on. she then flies around the hotel and lands close to the southwest corner again.  Connor is sitting on the same corner. she again flies off and lands on a small indentation a little ways down on the wall of the hotel facing south, then takes off around Tower B. Connor is still on the corner at which time he starts to vocalize. Horizon returns and is showing off her excellent flying skills, almost stopping completely in mid-air, quite the display!  She then returns to the southwest side between the second and third column from the right. It is truly amazing to watch these two peregrines!

Eve Ticknor reports:  I watched Horizon and Connor this afternoon, starting around 4:30pm.   At first no one was around.  Suddenly Horizon flew in from who-knows-where and landed on the west side, sort of near the south corner.  After a minute or so, Connor flew in as well.  Lots of chittering and they both went in where I couldn't see them.  After less than a minute Connor flew out and performed some of his dazzling flights, even appearing to stop and float from time to time.  He then flew between the hotel and Tower C towards the east side, and Horizon then flew after him and no more activities at all.

Phil joined me, but no sign of anyone, so we went for coffee.  We then returned and Horizon was on the southwest corner and no sign of Connor, so I left.

Friday April 19, 2002
Jim O'Neil reports:  I have some great news I just noticed both Horizon and Connor on the northeast corner of the Crowne.  I noticed them walking back and forth between the first and second pillar at times only one was visible sometimes both were visible this only lasted a few minutes from the time I observed them so I cannot say how long this was going on.  Could this be the moment we have been waiting for or a prelude to it?   But I sure am glad to see Connor!

Thursday April 18, 2002
Brenda Sharpe reports: 
Horizon has been seen today on the southeast side of the hotel, on the ledge at the old nest site. She is there as I write this.

Phil Maillard reports:  1:55pm. Horizon is perched on the southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza.  She may or may not have been hidden just inside the ledge because I had been watching the area for about 15 minutes.  After walking around the block to get a different view, there she was.  There is no sign of Connor on this beautiful afternoon though

Saturday April 13, 2002
Marcel Gahbauer reports: 
Sightings of Connor and Horizon remain unusually scarce for this time of year.  I was downtown yesterday, and spotted two raptors soaring together far, far, far above Lebreton Flats - it could well have been the peregrines, but at that height it was impossible to tell.  If past years are any indication, nesting activity should be starting within the next week.

Monday April 8, 2002
Jim O'Neil reports: 
I have seen our favorite falcons on a few occasions today.  At this time(3:15pm) I can see Connor on the south east corner of the Crowne having a snack as I can see lots of feathers flying about.

Sunday April 7, 2002
Phil Maillard reports:  11:10 am. Connor is perched on the north-east corner of the Crowne Plaza.  He seems quite content and hasn't moved at all.  After several minutes, Horizon flies by heading north towards the river at which point I lose sight of her.

Tuesday April 2, 2002
Jim O'Neil reports:  It is 8:30 am on this bright sunny day and as I looked out I noticed both Horizon and Connor very agitated as they aggresively defended the east side of the nest ledge.  Upon closer inspection I noticed an individual in the centre of the east side of the Crowne Plaza who I believe is setting up the window washing apparatus which explains the agitated state of our famous duo. 

Arlene Williams reports:  10:22 am - Two window washers are taking their lives in their hands momentarily as they are working right on the ledge area of the northeast corner.   Horizon is dive bombing them both and she is so very, very close in hitting either of them.   Both window washers have had to take refuge in the cubby hole area located on the northwest corner of the hotel building, since she is getting closer and closer to hitting them.    I guess she will continue her antics until they give in to her demands, which are to leave her area.    Connor is nowhere to be seen at this point in time.   The window washers are no longer seen from this vantage point and I am assuming that she has made her point as they have pulled back and escaped her aerial manoeuvres through the cubby hole door.   I can only assume that they are going to obtain better protective gear and try once again at a later time.

11:08 am - Horizon is once again perched on the northeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and is quite happy to do so, since warding off those terrible invaders of her terriotory - the dreaded window washers.  She now looks quite content and happy with her surroundings, although the window washers have since moved on to the southeast corner of the hotel building, where Connor generally roosts.    No aerial displays are seen at this time, so I can only assume that he does not feel an immediate threat of their presence.    

12:00 noon - 1:20 pm - The window washers tried, once again, to tie up their equipment for the lunch break, but Horizon was dive bombing them, something fierce.   As a result, they had to pull up their hanging ropes, etc. and then went off to lunch, since she was giving them both a run for their money.     Now that lunch is over, they may have moved their roping to the other side of the building, as I see her (Horizon) contouring the Crowne Plaza Hotel building and she is doing quite aggressively, so I can only assume that they must now be on the south side of the hotel building. Still no sign of Connor, although I am being told that he is occupying a fair amount of time on the south side of the hotel building.   Bet those window washers will rethink their position later on this year or next year on whether or not to accept the contract for cleaning the window of the hotel building.

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