The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Northdale Central Public School

Visit sponsored by: Friends of the Environment Foundation

On December the 17th, 2003, we visited Dorchester's Northdale Central Public School. Below is a letter from the school.

Yesterday one hundred grade four students were enthralled with a presentation by Maya Basdeo, Maya's informative talk was at just the right level, thus the students understood the plight of the peregrine falcon. After the presentation students were eager to check out your web site and. draw pictures of the falcon in its natural habitat which we will send to you under separate cover in the new year.

The highlight of the visit was the emergence of Ariel. A hush fell over the room as Ariel made her appearance. It was the first time any student or teacher had seen a live peregrine falcon and we all gazed in awe, Instantly hands went up and Maya capably answered all questions.

Please convey a special thank you to Maya for her excellent presentation which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, The information she presented complemented our Habitat Unit in science as well as our social studies Medieval unit when falcons were used for hunting.

We would also like to thank die TD Canada Trust • Friends of the Environment for sponsoring this worthwhile educational programme. Their concern for such environmental issues such as saving the peregrine falcons is commendable.

Grade four students and staff

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