The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Stephensville Public School

Visit sponsored by: Friends of the Environment Foundation

On November the 12th, 2003, we visited Stephensville's Stephensville Public School. Below is a letter from the school.

Yesterday the grade 4's and grade 6's in our school saw The TD Canada Trust - Friends of the Environment presentation by The Canadian Peregrine Foundation.

Maya Basdeo and Ariel were fabulous presenters. All the students that were in attendance learned a lot about: food chains, and the effect of DDT on them and falcons, we learned about what the Foundation is doing to positively affect the wild falcon population, and we learned a lot about Peregrines in general.

The four teachers whos classes attended were appreciative that the presentation and the handouts were curriculum based and supported their class programs.

Please extend our appreciation to TD Canada Trust for funding this presentation and I hope they can continue to do so. It is nice to see a Canadian Company taking the time to help educate Canadian students.

Our only complaint is that we did not have even more time with Ariel!!

Todd Klacko
Stevensville Public School

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