The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
St. Martin Catholic School

Visit sponsored by: Friends of the Environment Foundation Niagara North

On May the 19th, 2004, we visited Smithville's St. Martin Catholic School. Below is a letter from the school.

This afternoon our grade 4-6 students enjoyed a wonderful presentation given by Mya.

She did a great job illustrating how a species can be affected by human activities. Mya used many terms and concepts that our students have learned in their science program. It was great to hear the students answering her questions by recalling content from their classroom lessons.

I would like to thank TD Canada Trust - Friends of the Environment for providing funding that makes this program happen. Having a program brought to the school eliminates the need for expensive transportation and reduces the time away from the regular curriculum due to travel time.

The program maintained the interest of our students due to the knowledgeable presenter.


Peter Mernagh

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