The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Hagersville Elementary School

Visit sponsored by: Ontario Power Generation

On March the 3rd, 2005, we visited Hagersville's Hagersville Elementary School. Below is a letter from the school.

Thank you so much for affording us the wonderful opportunity of a visit from Michael and one of your falcons. Our class (Grade 6) along with the Grade 4's had a fabulous time learning about and discussing issues involving falcons.

One of my Grade 6 students had actually done his 'Diversity of Life' project on peregrine falcons so this was a great adjunct to our science curriculum. Some of my students were also aware that the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Hamilton has been a home to nesting peregrine falcons, complete with web cam and volunteer 'flight controllers' for some years, so the information was of great interest.

Michael was both interesting and entertaining. He even had no difficulty controlling the enthusiasm of two front row boys in very subtle and tactful ways...always the mark of an exemplary teacher! He was truly gifted!

How wonderful that the sponsorship of Ontario Power Generation allows you to offer this educational program. This is excellent environmental corporate citizenship.

Thank you for the video and student guides. They are a great resource for the 'Diversity of Life' (Grade 6) and 'Habitat' (Grade 4) science strands. We know that you will put our cheque comprised of student donations to good use. I have also enclosed a copy of the picture from one of two local papers who came to cover the event.

Thanks again.

V. Leveille, Grade 6 Teacher
Hagersville Elementary

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