The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
Doverwood Public School

Visit sponsored by: OPG - Nanticoke

On February the 21st, 2006, we visited Port Dover's Doverwood Public School. Below are pictures from students and a letter from the school.

by Caleb

by Alexandra

The Junior students and teachers at Doverwood Public School would like to thank the Foundation for the visit to our school. It was most interesting and informative, and was enjoyed by all. The video footage and interactive presentation fulfilled a number of aspects of our Science and Social Studies curriculums. As well as details of a falcon's habitat and needs, we learned how DDT worked its way up the food chain; how falcons were revered in Egypt; and how they were used in medieval days for hunting. The highlight, of course, was meeting Falon herself and getting a close look at this magnificent bird.

Maya, our presenter, did an excellent job with the students. She shared her knowledge and expertise in a way that was understood by the students, and they were engrossed throughout her whole presentation.

Our sincere thanks also goes to Ontario Power Generation, Nanticoke, which generously sponsors the school visits. Without their financial support, we would probably have missed out on this wonderful experience.

It was a very worthwhile presentation, one which made a lasting impression on our students. Thank you again.

Doverwood staff and students
Grades 4-6

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