The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

Project School Visit:
F.J. Rutland Public School

Visit sponsored by: OPG - Niagara Falls

On February the 16th, 2006, we visited Niagara Fall's F.J. Rutland Public School. Below are pictures and letters from students.

by Sarah

Thank you for letting Mya come to our school F.J.Rutland to give us that awesome presentation about Peregrine Falcons. It was very interesting to me because I have never seen a real Peregrine Falcon in my whole entire life! I never knew that Falon was that big for her age of being only three years old I thought she was five years old not three!

I learned a ton of things when she showed that presentation. I have never knew that people have to take that much care of any animal in the world. When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian so I have to be very nice to all animals I see and not hurt them.

Thanks again I hope to see you again next year with Falon again so we can see how big she has gotten from the last time you were here. She was very nice and beautiful to me and probably to the rest of the audience. Its so hard to know that those beautiful birds are being extinct. If I were a bird it would really scary because I'm afraid of heights and Peregrine Falcons live on the top of a very high building. Thank you very much Mya hope to see you again.

From Sarah
Grade 4
F.J. Rutland

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