
Legacy Located at St. Mary’s Cement in Bowmanville!!

April 13, 2013 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

A bit of exciting news for Rhea Mae and Tiago!  Legacy, their offspring from the 2010 nesting season, has been indentified and located at the St. Mary’s Cement plant in Bowmanville with a female named Buffy.  The St. Mary’s pair failed to hatch eggs in 2010 and 2011 and then last year, they altered the location of their nest site to the east silos and hatched at least two eggs.  Last year, as Legacy reached adulthood, may have been the year that he arrived and took over the territory which would coincide with the observed changes in nest site location and behaviour.  Congratulations Rhea Mae and Tiago on another offspring successfully making his way in the world!!  

For the complete story, please visit the St. Mary’s Cement page!!