
!!! A sucessful season!

August 14, 2013 - Hamilton - Sheraton Hotel

CPF Postmaster Reports:

August 14th - 2013

Hamilton Sheraton chicks have both successfully fledged, and are doing well. Both turned out to be females, named Laura #1687-19646 S over 30, red tape; and Brock 1687-19646 S over 31, (although she tape removed the next day),, (uncertainly over Brock’s sex at banding so she got a name that would be either male or female). Brock was several days younger than Laura, and she had a bit of difficulty with her landings, having to be rescued twice before the Falcon Watch was done. During her first check up after her rescue she was determined to be female. Both chicks and the parents have been visiting the nest ledge over the summer, and at times the two chicks can be seen there although those times are dwindling fast.
