
Out and About; Lots of Resident Adults Seen Yesterday

December 27, 2013 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I wanted to post a quick update on several sites that our watchers have reported in on.  Peregrine adults were out enjoying the sunshine yesterday as were many of our volunteers and sightings are now pouring in.  They include;

Windwhistler and Erin at 18 King

Chessie and Hurricane at William Osler

Peter at Hearn

Jack and O’Connor at Etobicoke Sun Life

MacKensie at the Burlington Lift Bridge

Rhea Mae at Toronto Sheraton Hotel

Haven at Canada Square

Jenna and Chester at ICICI

One adult ( not sure which, too far away ) at Duncan Mill Road

Thanks to all who have been monitoring and thinking about our resident adults through these two storms and checking in on their pairs.  With great appreciation we thank Bruce, Sue and Bill, Rob and Angie, Lyn and Linda.  Great sightings everyone!