
Mason Watch Continues After He Faked Us Out!

May 21, 2014 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday I was down to the MEC site to continue the watch for Mason after his release the previous evening.  Mark put him back up on the roof of the nest building after dark following his treetop adventure and rescue to give him the evening to rest up and rejuvenate.  I arrived at just shortly after 5:30am and set out looking for young Mason but he wasn’t in sight.  I checked the roof retaining wall, all the ledges and all the buildings but not a peep or a peek.  The adults seem equally confused and appeared to be looking as well.  The were calm and relaxed as the went from perch to perch scanning the horizon and all food that came in that morning they consumed right away.

Grace relieved me at 7:30am and she set up to watch MEC 1 where Mason was released.  Throughout the day she checked around the buildings and watched the adults but still no sign of Mason.  Just in case he decided to pull a silly move on us, Grace also checked the cooling tower area on the nest building but still no Mason.

By 4pm we were both frustrated with the lack of so much as a single call for food and seeing as he hadn’t eaten in almost two days we were getting a bit worried.  I headed down after work and pulled into MEC 2 to relieve a tuckered out Grace at around 5pm as she was just finishing her ground check of MEC 2.  As I drove in I saw her swivel sharply around towards the nest building and the second I stopped my car, I also looked up.  Well now…  …just where have you been all day little man!!

Mason was on the southeast corner of MEC 1, on the top of the windows of the nest ledge, and he was just howling for food!!  We don’t know where he came in from or what he had been up to but the relief that we both felt was incredible.  Both adults were all over him now.  The male flew in with food right away and Mason sooooo picked his pocket and ran.  Mine, mine, mine!!!  Rogue landed on the opposite side of Mason and the look said it all.  She was standing so erect with neck stretched out looking at him and looked both relieved and furious at the same time.  Renegade left and was on a hunt immediately and Rogue sought out a cache to feed Mason with.  Mason stayed on the southeast corner the entire evening and was being fed every half an hour just for good measure.  He never once refused food and was stuffed!!  Winston came by to relieve me and was joined by Mark for the close of the evening watch.  Mason was back and was demanding his share and more before the night was over.

After Mason’s big adventure in the tree and his epic flight to get out of it, its no wonder that the boy was quiet all day.  I’m sure that he found himself a spot to rest and the agenda for the day was to get himself together for his next flight.  Still, he could have told us!!  We are very glad to see he’s up and active this evening for sure.

Thank you so much Grace for staying the course throughout the day looking for Mason and thanks to Winston and Mark for relieving me this evening.  We will continue the watch for another day to assess his flying skills with the hope that the watch can be scaled back to spot checks should he show us he’s got it all together now.