
Mason’s Excellent Flights Continue

May 28, 2014 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

A big thank you to Margaret, Winston and Grace for continuing to check in on our little man at MEC.

On Sunday, Winston reports;

I arrived at MEC and no Mason in sight.  I texted Tracy and then immediately found him on MEC 3 on the east side opposite to where we watch MEC 1.  Both parents were on the nest ledge and Mason was out of their sights.  Flights looked unlikely as he was looking very disinterested at the moment.  After a while Mason hadn’t changed locations and was belly down having a great nap.  I probably missed a flight before I got here.  Neither parent has moved either and so I called it a night.

On Monday, Margaret reports;

I checked in with security, collected all my stuff and couldn’t see any peregrines.  Automatically started to worry and started a search.  I finally found Rogue on the west side of MEC 3 and then Renegade was there looking very calm and collected so I took that as a good sign.  Now to find that trouble maker!  I scanned all the window ledges and the retaining walls in sight with no luck.  I headed back to MEC 4 to collect all my things so that I could set up at MEC 1 and keep an eye on the adults hoping Mason would appear.  When I got back to MEC 1 I saw Renegade had moved over there as well.  It was after I got settled that I saw tail feathers hanging over the edge of the Desjardins square on the west side where Mom still was.  Okay, I was happy!!  Everyone was fine.  I could just sit back and relax…  …wrong!!  All of a sudden I guess Mason got a pang and just launched himself screaming from the square.  The wind caught him and it was if he tested the winds, feeling them under his wings, and decided his course leading him to land on MEC 1 retaining wall.  Not exactly what he had in mind.  He took off again and this time the winds took him around and around MEC 1 and 3 until he landed on the southeast window ledge of MEC 1 still screaming.  Flight number three got him where he wanted…  …on the nest box roof where he got himself down to Renegade so he could get in his face about how it was lunchtime.  They seemed to explore the ledge together but I don’t think there was any eating going on.  Renegade left and Mason joined Rogue on 3 but not for long.  He was off again for about three more flights.  I was exhausted from running around when he finally settled under the square for a little nap.  I stayed about 2 hours and saw some good flights.  One of them had to be a couple of minutes long.  His landings were good and one was great I thought onto the window ledge.  It was great to see that he didn’t seem to panic with the winds but sorted himself out and just landed somewhere else.

On Tuesday, from Grace;

I checked in at MEC and caught sight of Mason mid-air circling above before landing on the nest ledge.  He was aiming for the retaining wall and then back flapped down.  Great flight and landing!

So it looks as though our little man Mason is making much better choices and is getting used to life in the air.  Thank you so much to Winston, Margaret and Grace for these excellent updates!!