
No Eggs?

May 17, 2014 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital

Linda Woods Reports:

Saturday May 17th - 2014
I spent some time at Mount Sinai. I arrived just before 10:00am.

On my arrival I had the female flying south on University Ave heading towards the Zurich building, she then turned east and out of sight. The male appeared and landed on the cubby holes on the south side of Mount Sinai.

I waited, thinking they were in the hunting mode. The female reappeared and landed on the south east corner of the hospital, the male then fly up to her and copulation was seen. He flew off, and she joined him in flight. They flew circles over University Ave at Gerrard St. gaining height and drifting eastward towards Yonge St. They were so high I needed binoculars to track them as they drifted to the southeast, and out of my sight.

At no time did either of the adults pay any attention to the 2nd ledge, (or any of the ledges for all that matter). I left the area an hour later, with only the male in view. He had returned and was on the 6th ledge.

This may be an indication that either there were never any eggs, or the eggs have failed. We will never know, since we are not able to visibly see that particular area of the east side.

Observations will continue.