
Ghent Getting It All Together

June 09, 2014 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Although I was set to attend the Burlington Lift Bridge watch today I was unable to get down there and so Bill, Sue, David, Rob and Barry have provided me with an update of Ghent’s adventures today.  Bill and Sue found him this morning on the top of the lift bridge towers and throughout the day he made several flights back and forth between them.  His flights are really strong and he is beginning to improve on his landings.  No more smashing into mommy bird to stop!  He received several feedings today and was really maintaining his altitude well.  This evening he spent time again at the top of the lift bridge and it looks as though, barring any serious miscalculation on his part, that Ghent is well on his way.  His next big step will be to return home to the nest box which is a challenging feat and will show us without a doubt that he has acquired the control and skills to successfully move on to some serious training with MacKenzie.  Great job everyone and thank you to all the watchers today for the updates.