
!!! CRH Mississauga (Holcim) cement plant - the grins are very active on site and the squabbles continue!

April 01, 2019 - Mississauga - Holcim

Marion Nash Reports:

April 1st/2019

As per the norm it would seem for this Mississauga Lakeshore nest site,, we have received an update this morning from the CRH folks that their peregrines are very visible around the nest site,, with very visible squabbling and fighting going on with territorial disputes with another peregrine over claim on the territory!

You know what they say,, location, location, location,, and this seems to have been the norm at this nest site over the years with constant squabbling at this time of year between the resident pair and other peregrines wanting the territory for their own!!

Historically, this is actually the norn at most of these lake-side nest sites with many of the existing peregrines fighting each other for these prime nesting spots!

As the migrating peregrines return back to southern Ontario from their wintering-over grounds in the far south, as they fly along the migration fly-ways, the pressure is on to quickly get back on an availability territory,,,, scope it out,,,, hold and defend it,,,,, attract a mate and then once again,, HOLD and DEFEND it from all others,,,, all wanting to do the same thing… in your territory!

Given the limited number of “suitable nesting locations” here in southern Ontario on the lakeside borders,,, there is always a high demand and competition….. and you’ve got to be prepared to defend it!!
And they do,, sometimes to the death!!

Stay tuned,, let’s hope that this disruption won’t affect the courtship routines too much and a final outcome is sooner than later, so the pair (who ever they are) gets back to family matters……