
Sunday Watch

June 16, 2019 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Marion Nash Reports:

As of 3:40pm, Kawhi is sitting on the corner of King’s Tower, Jupiter has been on the top of the short CTV tower drum, and Herera finally took a short flight to a low dish then to the roof of the Pine Street Medical building. Both adults are here and have tried to entice them back to the main tower and nest box.


some photos from don Thomas

Hello all!!

We were watching from 3:30-7:30 (or something like that!)

Hemera had an adventurous flight over to a windowsill on the hospital then attempted to return to the tower but missed the landing and fell through the tower but managed to land on whatever the low building beside the parking lot is. She then returned to the health centre. That was between 3-5. Then around 6:30 she took off from the health centre and missed a landing on the chimney and ended up looking like a moth. I am attaching a picture but I think Janice got a better one. I kept the picture pretty large because you might not see her otherwise. Then she was able to return to the nesting tower. Around 7:30 she was half way up the tower and Mystery had swooped near Hemera once. Trying to get her to move?

Also saw a fantastic flight from Kawhi who flew to the apartments and almost landed on a balcony before turning around, circling, and returning to the nesting tower. It was amazing.

Great fun to watch Kawhi interact with his siblings. Hemera’s flight to the hospital was shortly after Kawhi flew to her and was interacting with her. Then Kawhi spent much of the late afternoon on the large drum with Jupiter (where they are fiendishly difficult to see!).

Both Kawhi and Jupiter were fed on the drum. No food for Hemera yet.

Lisa, Janice, Kellie, and someone that I am forgetting were there when we left.

What a fun day! Never a dull moment.

Joy and Micah