
TORONTO SHERATON - Both chicks fledged

June 25, 2019 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

if the nest ledge looks empty to you on the camera that’s because it is! Both Bonvoy and Quinn have fledged. Bruce has been watching Bonvoy all day and he has been an exceptionally high flier. He has been going from the roof of the hotel, across the street to the Hilton and back again. His choices have been excellent, his recoveries amazing and overall he has done very very well. Quinn took his flight later this evening and he has stayed high as well! He flew over to the roof of the Hilton where he made a decent enough landing. Bruce was joined by Linda and the two continued to watch the young ones as they navigated their new environment. According to Bruce, Bonvoy is all but a checkmark and Quinn will need to be watched for another day or so to be certain that he stays high.