
!!! Wind in our Face…. Wind at our back..We have seen the Wind!

June 04, 2009 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital

Linda Woods Reports:

I decided that I might join a fellow volunteer in monitoring and observing the Mt.Sinai nesting site today.  We were having a nice talk, discussing peregrine behaviour and the such.  I noticed that the gulls were sounding off as they passed over head. I mentioned that the gulls do that around other peregrine nesting sites, so this might be of interest.  We weren’t seeing much activity until a peregrine flew into view flying around the east side of Mt. Sinai, and then east towards the power plant stack . It set down on the very top rung of the north facing ladder.  It began to preen and I found it curious that it sat with it’s back towards Mt.Sinai Hospital.

My friend and I continued to talk while periodically checking on the bird. We did not see it leave the stack.  Next thing I saw was this bird about 4 feet away from me hovering at the side of the area on which we were observing. Too close for me and it quickly brought back memories of another encounter I had at the Sheraton nest site a view years ago.  The only thing that came out of my mouth was “RUN !”  As I ran toward the roof top exit, I momentarily forgot I was with someone else, but at this point and time and having previous experience with such an event, I could only think, “Out of my way, I’ll get the door for you” ( yup, that’s exactly what I was thinking ) and also forgetting all of our belongings out on the deck, including my camera.  As we finally found a safe haven within the building, we could see the peregrine had set down on the corner of the deck area, probably 50 feet away. The gulls were not happy with this intruder and immediately began dive bombing the peregrine. A perfect opportunity to take a photo, leg bands in clear view. My thoughts now, were to send my friend out to get my camera , nevermind ;)   But I did get the band information. 

 Rewind to a few weeks ago, when spot checking this site. I found one of the adults on the west facing Bay St. condos.  While looking at the bird, I got a chill down my back as it appeared the bird was looking directly down the barrels of my binoculars. Coincidence I convinced myself. There is no way that this bird is looking directly at me. So I told myself.

Today, I am now sure I was recognized, for this bird is none other than “Wind” from the Sheraton Hotel.  The same bird that chased me at street level along Richmond Street and had me hiding behind decoy cows at the Steak House on Richmond Street. 

A few passes by the gull and the peregrine moved off from her temporary perch and flew back to the smoke stack.  At least now we knew where she was as my friend pulled out a tired old umbrella to cover her head as she retrieved our belongings from the deck area. 

A most exciting morning.  One my friend won’t forget soon forget.