
!!! Quest’s Mate Has Been Identified!!

April 14, 2011 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

There is definately a tale of romance here at 220 Duncan Mills Road.  This afternoon Bruce Massey attended the site to check in on Quest and her handsome male suitor and he was able to positively identify him…  …it’s Kendal, a 2009 hatch from the 18 King Street nest site!!!!  The story of these two birds could start off with something like, “Their eyes met across a misty Frenchman’s Bay…” as Quest and Kendal have potentially been flirting with the idea of getting together since last year.  On Sept. 12 of 2010, Denis Gauthier was able to take two exceptional photos of Kendal  in the Frenchman’s Bay area which coincidentally was around the same time that Quest’s transmitter put her nearby at the power plant ( check Toronto - King Street page for the full sighting notation ).   Bruce was able to witness mating behavoir between Quest and Kendal today and watched as Quest spent time on her selected ledge working on a nest scrape.  Bruce and I will both be on-site tomorrow as we are excitedly awaiting the potential arrival of eggs!!!