
!!! Mother’s Day Hatch(s)!

May 08, 2011 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Just arrived back from a 2 hour visit to the nest site.  When I arrived, even without binoculars, Angel could clearly be seen from the ground flipping back and forth like pizza!  Up, down, frontwards, backwards…on and on it went for a good 45 minutes. 

Finally she left the nestbox and flew over to the cache and returned quickly with food in her talons.  She spent 8-10 minutes feeding something - her head was up and down and she was clearly chupping to someone between, single chups that prompt a chick or chicks to eat.  When done she immediately left with the food in her talons and stashed it on another ledge and then right back in to the box.

She settled a bit but was again seen moving around, head clearly seen from the ground, more flipping around!  About 45 minutes later, I heard Jack’s shrill signal that he was arriving - here’s the funny thing, I never saw him.  I had his perch on the other side and the nest ledge clearly in sight and never saw him once.  Angel started chupping to him and I could hear him answer back.  At one point she got out in front of the nestbox and looked straight up and was chupping up a storm to him and then right back into the box she went.  He gave the ‘I’m leaving’ signal and then all was quiet…amazing!

CPF members will be onsite tomorrow to confirm what I saw today.  Week before last I was watching the Gulf Towers webcam online and the female was so excited that her eggs  were starting to hatch that she brought in food to try to feed the was very sweet!  So I’ll wait for a visual confirmation.

In the meantime, Happy Mother’s Day to Angel and all Mom’s out there - including my own who was understanding about me spending time with ‘my other mom’ this morning!