
We Have Two Very Big Girls

May 31, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Today was banding day.  Anne Yagi, Biologist with the Ministry of Natural Resources performed the banding .  The statistics are as follows:

Lady Lamont - Weighing in at a whopping 1063 grams - Black band 41/X  and she will be wearing a red band on her right leg

Lady Nelson - A little smaller at 988 grams - Black band 42/X and she will be wearing a yellow band on her right leg

There were 2 unhatched eggs in the box, which were retrieved for testing.

Now the fun begins.  Given their size and estimated age of 26/27 days, the official Fledge Watch will begin in approximately 10 days (June 10th)

Photos will follow.