
All is Well at MEC

November 13, 2011 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I decided to check in on Infinity
and her mate at the Mississauga Executive Centre today. When we arrived, one
adult was in the air flying lazy circles around the nest building and the other
was out of our sight. We watched the airbourne bird make two flights around MEC
1, then two more above the roof of MEC 2, a quick run around MEC 3 and then
finally landing on MEC 4. The bird had made a full recon flight of all four
buildings and it was quite a beautiful, lengthy flight in rather strong winds. It
turns out that the adult was Infinity showing clearly that there are no lasting
effects from her impact with the tower just 5 days ago. We drove around and
found the male on MEC 2 facing the nest box and looking like the king of the
world. Infinity then took off and flew over to her nest box and roosted on the
top for a good half an hour. After a short nap, she took off and joined the
male on MEC 2 who wasn’t going anywhere, especially with the outrageous crop he
was showing!! Infinity stayed for a few minutes then headed back to the nest
building, this time roosting on the corner of the ledge to the right of the
box. The male took off and joined her there where they spent the rest of the
afternoon. I can’t remember the last time I have seen a wild pair so happy and
contented. It left Frank and I feeling like at that moment that all was well
with the world. It was an “aww” moment!!