
!!! Quest And Kendal At Feeding Time

May 09, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

Frank Butson Reports:

Ann Brokelman sent me this report to post along with some photos.

Arrived at Harlequin at 3:45 to hear the screaming from the parking lot. Kendal had a package and was sitting on his throne, while called loudly at him. Kendal took off and landed on the other corner of the nest building. where he quickly plucked the meal. Within 2 minutes he had flown into the nest, where a bit of a tug of  war went on between Kendal and Quest. Kendal didnt want to relinquish the food package. The 2 of them together really showed Quest’s superior size. Quest took the package in the nest to feed her chicks.  I went up into the Harlequin building on the 9th floor.Quest was feeding the babies but her back was to us. She finally moved and I got a couple of very bad shots of the young one.

We thank Ann for her wonderful photos. While the feeding chicks may not be up to Ann’s usual excellent photos, it is a great record for us to have. (Ann felt they werent so good not me!)

Kendal With Food Kendal Swoops Up To The Nestbox Package Delivered To Quest Size Difference! Feeding The Kids