
Ben Remains on the Chimney but Safe and Sound

July 11, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Now that I am back in town from my shifts at the Waterloo Sun Life nest site, I headed down after work to support Bruce and Kathy at the new Don Mills nest site.  Bruce brought me up to speed informing me that the two adults were on the DeBeers building when he arrived at 2pm, one juvenile was on the apartment building chimney and one was in a rescue carrier.  At 3pm, both adults made a vigorous attempt to get the chick, Ben, off of the top of the chimney with multiple stoops by the parents.  He refused to budge. 

When I arrived at about 6pm, the female flew over to Chimney Ben with a small package of food and sat directly above him on a ladder rail while he ate.  An hour later, the male flew over to DeBeers with food and the female came out to meet him.  This was immediately taken over to the juvenile and he was once again fed.  The female took up her position above Ben on the rail and stayed there most of the evening.  The two of them, mother and son, were incredibly vocal and could be heard as far away as our viewing spot in the back of the ICICI building!!  At 8pm, the adult male flew into DeBeers with food that he then consumed for himself before he took off on another hunt to the northwest.  He came back a few minutes later empty taloned and settled in on the ICICI building.  As I packed up for the night and left the release of Len in Bruce’s capable hands, Ben was still on the chimney, the adult male was on the ICICI building and the adult female joined him there.

Bruce and Kathy will be out tomorrow with some other amazing volunteers to monitor Ben and Len as they learn the art of flying.  Many thanks again go out to ICICI building management, staff and security and the awesome volunteers who have come together so quickly for this family.  Thanks to Randy and his children, Ann, Bruce, Kathy and Kathy, and Irma!!