
William Osler Friday June 27th

June 27, 2014 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Mark arrived to start the morning shift and found he was having trouble locating everyone for the morning head count.  The adults were also out of view and so this painted a very frustrating picture.  Blue was flying back and forth from the tower to the roof and back so Mark had blue in his sights for sure.  As the morning really got going suddenly kids were starting to pop up.  Yellow from behind a sign.  White from the back of the ledge in the shade.  Red from beside a pillar.  They were all coming into view now and vocalizing for breakfast.  Lots of energy and exercise for the morning but still no fledge other than blue.

Bonnie arrived at noon for the midday watch and all was beginning to quiet down.  The chicks had all spent their energy up to this point and were content to flump down and seek the shade for a nap.  Blue did some great flights for Bonnie but for the most part, it was a snooze fest.

Lucie arrived at around 5pm and the chicks were now all waking up and getting more active.  It would seem that at William Osler, the highest activity level has always been in the evening and so Bonnie stayed with Lucie for a while and Winston arrived a little later on at around 6pm.  It was just after Winston’s arrival that little Yellow decided that someone had to make the next leap and it might as well be her.  She took off and flew over to the hydro tower and landed well enough.  While this might look like an easy flight the fledglings actually have to turn and back flap to land and the beams are not terribly wide.  Many a chick misses that landing the first time at it and therefore Lucie and Winston were glad to see that the down was as good as the up in this case.  Rob joined them as well and they watched as red and white continued to scream their discontent from the ledge while yellow and blue were now aerialists.  Yellow made another flight that evening that took her home to the nest ledge and she yacked about it all evening to her siblings.  By nightfall, all four chicks were again reunited on the ledge where they slept for the night together.

A big thank you to Mark, Bonnie, Lucie, Rob and Winston for taking care of the William Osler family today while I was off and away at a CPF event in Renfrew.  When I put out the call to everyone for help to cover the site the response was overwhelming and I can’t thank you all enough for your help.  Two out and two to go, tomorrow should be a blast!!