
William Osler Watch Thurs June 26

June 26, 2014 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

This morning the weather was perfect in that much of the humidity was gone and there was a beautiful breeze at William Osler.  An absolutely wonderful day for flights.  The morning exercises were in full swing when I arrived and the two females were incredibly vocal and active.  This lasted until around 11am when all of the chicks found shade to lay down in and nap for several hours.  At just before 2pm, little blue was standing on the east ledge near the nest tray and began to flap.  He was facing the northeast corner and with lots of vigour he suddenly was off of the ledge, skirted the face of the nest ledge heading north and then backflapped back down onto the corner of the ledge.  Ok!  That was a sorta kinda maybe flight but not what I would consider a real fledge.  I sat back waiting to see if he had any other tricks up his sleeve.  He ran down and around to the north side of the hospital and next thing I know it, he’s in the air and headed for the tower!!  He maintained his altitude perfectly, didn’t panic and landed on the top of the tower like a pro.  Great job little blue!!  He howled and screamed as he attempted to run the girders towards Chessie who was sitting front and centre.  I’m sure he was hoping for a reward for his great flight but that was not coming any time soon.  Instead of food going up to the flyer, food went into the ledge!!  Well!!  He was furious and decided that he would then have to return home if he was to get in on any of the goods.  He took off from the tower and was going way too fast to break properly.  Instead of going straight into the ledge, he banked around to the south side of the hospital and threw himself onto the ledge.  He ran all the way back to the east side to join in on the feeding and was amply rewarded for his efforts.  Throughout the evening he made another half a dozen flights back and forth from the tower to the roof, from the roof to the tower and finally the tower to the ledge.  By late evening he was starting to get a little attitude going and he buzzed his brother with white tape on the southeast corner hoping for a playmate.  His plan didn’t work as white stayed put and so blue continued to make his own fun.

By the close of the watch, all four chicks were back on the ledge and sleeping together in one big pile on the southeast corner.  Tomorrow the watchers will have their hands full as the remaining three unfledged chicks are more than ready to go.