
!!! Quest meets Osprey, Osprey meets Quest, quess who has a few less feathers and looses?

June 21, 2015 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 13th - 2015

Well, as most of the peregrine watches already know, size doesn’t matter when it come to a peregrine and being the fastest animal on the planet! As a matter of fact, in this case, smaller is actually better, especially when your as fast as an F-16 jet fighter, (and a mother) looking to protect their babies!!

The bigger that target, the better!! :-)

While you can’t help feel the terror and pain for the poor unsuspecting Osprey that just happened to float by on its way somewhere??,, when suddenly out of the blue, and from above, two attacking F-16 jet fighters in the form of a mother female peregrine falcon and her mate protecting their young fledglings drops in,,, literally drops in from above and tears a strip off your back!!

A big thank you to Lucie and hubby who just happened to be at the right place, at the right time and caught Quest in action delivering some good old fashion peregrine pain to an unsuspecting Osprey,,, obviously in wrong place at the wrong time!!

All of the photo credit goes to Arvo Poolar for taking these fantastic photos and sharing them with us!

** Note - The Osprey did in fact “get-out-of-Dodge” with only just a few less feathers and in need of a change of its underpants! (Sorry, I meant to say, a change of its under-down).