
Ogden Has Fledged!!

July 17, 2015 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I was out in Mississauga yesterday on errands and decided to stop in at the Holcim nest site as I knew that Ogden was very close to first flights.  I found him on the nest ledge watching the adults and practicing his flights.  He was so ready.  He would have 1 or 2 minute bursts of flapping like mad and then he would finish it off by getting airborne and flapping to the end of the ledge.  Each little activity session was longer and stronger than the next.  He decided to head into the heart of the ledge for a nap out of my view at around 1:30pm and that’s when the adults started to wind him up.  The parents starting hunting and doing fly bys past the ledge every few minutes.  Ogden watched with great curiosity but did nothing about it until Dad came past with food in his clutches.  That had his interest for certain!!  After about 10 minutes, Dad flew in with a very small package that Ogden grabbed with gusto.  He took off into the back of the ledge with it and consumed it fast.  He was back on the edge of the ledge within minutes.  Caspian then flew in with another tidbit but this time she didn’t relinquish it.  She flew over to the short silos along Avonhead Road and ate it herself in Ogden’s view.  Wow.  He was furious!  She then flew over to a low railing along the east side of the tall silos and waited.  It didn’t take long!  Ogden lost all patience and fledged making his first flight a short one but well done over to the west side of the short silos out of my view.  Excellent job!  Caspian didn’t leave her perch at all but instead watched him make that flight past her and land up high.  I called Marion and asked her to inform the Holcim staff that Ogden was now on the loose and packed up to head north to work.  Great job Ogden!