
All fledglings keeping high and landing a bit better now-so the watch is winding down

June 25, 2016 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Marion Nash Reports:

June 25th 2016

Today all 3 chicks had some flights in the morning and all 3 returned to the nest building. With the heat no one flew in the afternoon, not even the adults. As it cooled down a bit after 8:00 PM Louise was coaxed to fly by mom and she made a very nice flight to Rio Can landing on the same places the adults do then off to TVO following mom then back to Rio Can. Dad came in and fed Quasar but up until then no one had been fed at all too hot to hunt or perhaps weaning of the chicks was on the adults mind. It is time for them to come and get the food not have it delivered.

Symphony and Quasar were on the nest building and Louise was on Rio Can when we left them tonight. We will be winding down the watch now to spot checks and will post any interesting developments and photos we may get. We are now off to start the watch at Scarborough Yellow Pages and hope they do as well.