
Belated Update From MEC

June 15, 2016 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:
A huge thank you to Winston for continuing to check in on Josally and Olimar for us over at MEC. Although belated, I wanted to share Winstons observations of the boys from this past weekend.
The two boys at MEC are doing great. Josally is a few steps ahead of Olimar but as of Sunday evening, both are up and flying and even kiting together.
After Olimar’s night in the tree on Tuesday, he has managed to stay up at rooftop level ever since without needing a rescue. He doesn’t fly nearly as often as Josally and his landings are far more clumsy than his brother’s. With that said, Olimar is able to sustain altitude and maneuver in some serious wind. All week, but especially Sunday, was windy at MEC and MEC winds are hard to predict as they tunnel and swirl. Sunday was so bad that I had to seek shelter as the objects hitting my face were getting in all the wrong places. Even the flag on MEC1 ripped. Olimar’s skill in flight is in contrast to his awkward landings. He doesn’t attempt to land on irregular objects unless that object is his brother. The good news is that all his landings are slow enough to mitigate risk of injury.
Josally  on the other hand never had the set backs of his brother so his success has not been retarded. He regularly lands on the Desjardins sign and is much more frequently seen going for short trips around MEC3 and between 1 and 3. I caught him double checking how beautiful he was in the window. Until Olimar figures out his landings, I will still be checking in on MEC but both birds are progressing nicely.